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● R&D

New nacre types ready for research initiation

by Eureka_Admin


so far i've used black pearl nacre and white pearl nacre (1mm thickness).

i've achieve some success so far, and still working on mastering urushi part.

different urushi technique is required for this special type of deep nacre inlay.


this time i am challenging the deep inlay with new types of nacre:

1. iridescent Turbo Marmoratus nacre

2. mexican abalone nacre


usually these nacre types are only available in 0.2mm sizes.


but for this research I prepared 1mm thickness nacre.

this type of nacre is rare, and is the best of the best.


i will initiate research into viability of production.


also, i will initiate research regarding utilization of the original shell itself.

this has rarely been done before for use of decorating fountainpen.

it could either fail or succeed.

but i don't care about result, and intent to directly confront the challenge.


i will try my best to succeed this research.

i hope to bring good news for all, in the future

thank you




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