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◆ payment methods: Paypal
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◆ product description :
*** Ultem cartridge is not compatible with symmetry standard model (for that only bock converter is compatible)
1. 100% precision machined ULTEM (USA / Germany)
2. designed to fit all eureka fountain pens with:
"5th gen. ebonite feeder compatible grip section"
3. precise machining tolerance (± 0.02mm) for all critical areas.
4. adjustable backup seal mechanism for extra layer of protection.
5. Robust design and high chemical resistance for longevity. It can be cleaned using alcohol / hot water.
6. capacity 1.0ml (@ fill line) / 1.3ml (@ topped up)
7. internal helical feature to help ink flow down
◆ Machined Ultem Ink Cartridge
--- $15 / set
* for the black silicone plugs see here: https://eurekafp.com/877
◆ shipping:
$25, EMS Express (7 days, full coverage insurance )
◆ Additional Details
----- the machined ultem ink cartridge consists of:
Main cartridge body / O-ring pusher / O-ring
---- these are high precision parts.
allowed tolerance of the main taper fit area is ± 0.02mm
the thread tolerance is quite small and well-managed for the O-ring pusher,
so there is no wobble, yet it spins smooth.
---- the Ultem used is of high quality (USA / GERMANY), and the cartridge is built to last.
Its thick, robust design coupled with high mechanical properties & chemical resistance will boost its longevity.
----- For the R&D log, please see this page: https://eurekafp.tistory.com/823
◆ How to use:
1) move to O-ring & O-ring pusher to rear position (doesn't have to be all the way back)
2) insert cartridge (fill the cartridge with a syringe / eyedropper)
* always rotate the cartridge a little bit while installing / removing the cartridge, for smoother movement
* try to be as smooth as possible, avoid jerky movement
(jerky movement can induce ink spurting @ heart hole, if there's ink inside the feeder before installation. So when inserting the cartridge place the heart hole towards a piece of tissue, just in case it might spurt a bit of ink)
3) As you push in the cartridge, resistance will increase.
Do not try to insert the cartridge all the way!
You can stop at a certain resistance level that you will comfortable with
* It needs some resistance level, not too loose)
4) Rotate the O-ring pusher counter-clockwise to push the O-ring against the end area of the grip section.
Only a light pressure is needed for seal engagement. High pressure will squeeze the O-ring outward, and that can interfere with smooth installation of the barrel into grip section thread.
5) For filling the cartridge, use a syringe or spoid / eye-dropper.
6) For cleaning, fill it up with tap water then close the lid with your finger. shake it back and forth, then remove water by shaking it again. repeat the process until it is clean.
7) If you want to remove the ink inside the cartridge, open the ink bottle then place the pen above it (nib down). slowly rotate and pull the cartridge until ink starts to drip down. when most of the ink is gone, remove residual ink by dapping the nib on the edge of the bottle opening.
* I recommend not removing the ink cartridge while it is full of ink.
If you have to remove it, you have to do the following:
When removed, ink on both grip section inside area & cartrige outside area must be wiped with tissue.
(this is because when you reinstall the cartridge (while the inside & outside walls are inked), that ink can get pushed out, which could cause contamination.
So for cleaner operation, I recommend you to use the ink all the way.
However, if you don't mind a cleaning up with a tissue, then there's no problem.
* I recommend you to fill @ max ink fill line (capacity 1.0ml).
however, if you are experienced and feel confident with filling all the way up (capacity 1.3ml),
then, it is upto your decision.
* If the pen is new, or the feeder is completely dried out, you may experience initial ink flow issues.
Easy way to get around this is loosen up the ultem cartridge (with ink in it), so the ink will drip down. don't loosen up too much because a lot of ink will flow down fast.
Another way is to inject ink with a syringe directly to the tail(end) of the feeder, before installing the cartridge.