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Dodecagon diamond cigar symmetry B & C (for urushi) developed

by Eureka_Admin


Dodecagon diamond cigar symmetry Barrel & Cap (for urushi) has been developed.


following is a basic feature of this part:

1. Urushi suitable thread tolerance applied

2. new thread 3D entry design (latest version)

3. Urushi suitable angle alignment applied

4. Urushi suitable ends design applied

5. Urushi suitable hole entry design applied


Next model to work on is:

Dodecagon ruby cigar symmetry


Dodecagon spiral cigar symmetry


I think ruby cigar symmetry could be done with relative ease.

however, i am expecting spiral symmetry to be very hard.

this is because following are combined together:

1. dodecagon cigar

2. spiral


although they are independently difficult to be,

combining them together precisely will be much more difficult.


whether it works or not, i will try my best.

thank you.




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