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Dodecagon cigar symmetry PEEK (Extreme Durability Test)

by Eureka_Admin


Today i performed destructive durability test of the dodecagon symmetry peek.

I was always wondering about the limits of the PEEK material.

So, with the spare B grade parts, I performed a simple durability test.


This is the test footage

i used a regular metal hammer (the type used for driving nail).

for the floor protection, I used a thick piece of wood.


I am not sure if you can tell the amount of force used.

but I hit it pretty damn hard.

once I lost grip, and the pieces flew 10M and stopped by a wall.


*** Round Peek is stronger than Dodecagon PEEK.

By design round shape is stronger than angled shape.

If you draw Dodecagon inside a circle,

the empty areas are material removed from original circle,

so round is stronger than angled.






when the pen was hit with a metal hammer, it transferred force to the wooden block.

you can roughly tell, how much force was used.

PEEK is elastic and springly, so it absorbed a lot of force.

but it still managed to transfer much force to the wood. 



the broken pieces flew all over the place, 

this is all I found at this moment.

these are sharp, dangerous pieces, so I should search for them throughly.


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