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Duofold international nib compatible ebonite feeder developed

by Eureka_Admin


Duofold international nib compatible ebonite feeder has been developed.

this feed is only compatible with grip sections developed for ebonite feeder.


following has been adjusted to fit properly:

1. feed length

2. air channel adjusted to match heart hole position

3. nib groove amount adjusted

4. nib groove position and length adjusted

5. side slanted groove applied

6. nib frontal slant angle applied



Duofold international nib size is closer to #5.

So far, i've been developing #6 nib size ebonite feeders.

it was naturally not possible to put #5 onto #6.

so the only way was to apply nib grooves, to the sides of the feeder.

there was much difficulty, but i completed it.


the last nib, M600 is even smaller than the international one.

practically, it is almost impossible to modify #6 feed to fit M600 nib reliably.

i will skip the development for it.


so, parker duofold international nib is the last one.

i've developed 11 different feeders in ebonite material this year.

thank you so much for your attention and support.


Now i will move onto developing Dodecagon cigar symmetry for Urushi.

thank you.







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