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Dodecagon Diamond Cigar Symmetry PEEK (TAN) has been developed

by Eureka_Admin

Hello, this is Fountain Pen Research.
Today, I completed the Dodecagon Diamond Cigar Symmetry PEEK (TAN).

Compared to South Korean-produced Black Peek (raw material: Germany),
Peek tan Color is 100% German produced.

​Although peek tan color very rarely has dark spots,
It showed much more consistent quality than Peek Black.
Peek black pens are divided into grades: B, A, A+, and S (almost none).
In the case of peek tan color, nearly everything is S grade,

so there is no need to separate into grades.​

Under the current circumstances,

Everything will go smoothly for the peek tan-colored Dodecagon Diamond Cigar Symmetry.
thank you


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유레카만년필 | 정상현 | 다산순환로20 | 사업자 등록번호 : 428-34-01314 | TEL : 010-4406-4810 | Mail : beatmaster90@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 2018-다산-0077호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기