Hello, this is Eureka admin (The fountain pen researcher)
so far, especially for non-urushi fountain pens, only bock M nib were available.
I avoided finer nibs such as EF / F, because I trusted M nib quality the most.
because of this, other nib sizes were not available for purchase.
however, recently I did some nib grind for some customers.
Bock M nib is turned into different nib sizes, by nib grinding.
so far I did the following sizes:
1. EF
2. vertical line EF / horizontal line M (narrow vertical stroke)
3. M (stub)
so far, these are the grinds I did recently (although some other special nibs vaguely come to my mind).
If you can suggest other nib grinds along with pictures, I can assess whether I can do it or not.
The nib grinding process requires considerable amount of effort, precision, and time (about 30min ~ 1 hour), to make sure it is of superb nib grind quality.
After grinding the shape of the nib, nib smoothing process is necessary.
The nib grind service cost will be $20~$25.
The price of the service can vary a bit, depending on the difficulty.
Below are examples of nib grinds
(so far, pictures for only 1 type of nib grind is available. In the future more example photos will be added.)
1. vertical EF / horizontal M (narrow vertical stroke)
2. EF (Both verical & horizontal)